Q: Are you affiliated with any literary agency, and will working with you help me find an agent or publisher?
A: Though I maintain contact with several agents, and employ one for my own writing, I do not act as a go-between, nor do I refer projects. It would be unethical to imply that I can get your work represented or published. Approaching publishing professionals with the most polished manuscript possible, however, can make all the difference.
You should avoid any editing service that makes promises or even implies they can get your work published. This does exclude hybrid publishers of course, who are upfront about their fees and the author’s financial participation.
Q: How does PAYMENT work?
A: Ideally through Paypal or TransferWise. As of writing, you do not need a Paypal account - I will invoice you and you can pay Paypal through your credit card. TransferWise is also convenient, as are bank transfers. For editing work, I ask for half the fee upfront, and the second half after the work has been completed. For manuscript critiques, I ask for the entire fee upfront, to relieve the temptation to sugar-coat the criticisms.
Q: How exactly does the editing PROCESS work?
A: All editing work is done in the Track Changes tool of Word. In addition to the markup, you will also receive a clean copy with all changes saved. Your manuscript will get up to three passes before I return it to you. I typically keep in touch with former clients and am happy to answer further questions my critique or developmental edit didn’t address.